for game players

Provide a third-party platform to protect users' transaction security.

Team Meamber

  • PM: Shining, Molly
  • Design: Connie
  • Backend: Nicky
  • Android: Aaron(Me), Neil, Kemo
  • iOS: Chuan


  • Java
  • RxJava
  • Retrofit
  • Firebase
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira
  • Visual Studio App Center

Design patten


Using the MVP design pattern makes the program simple and easy to understand, and combining with RxJava and Retrofit makes more easily to handle multithread


“This Application was built from a sketch, I had to organize whole bunch of things before building the team. Even I am not a senior developer, I appreciated CEO give me a chance to deal with all things. Such as establishing UI frame with designer, writing workflow and formal documents with product manager, handling network API with backend developer, implementing design patterns with mobile developer.”

iBazaar Apps

I am glad to work witn cross-functional team, like used SwaggerUI and postman to communcate with backend, discussed with design based on Google Material Design and division of work with Android team members while using MVP design pattern.

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